Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union | URugby Bowl Series

East Penn

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The Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union, Inc. (EPRU) is organized under the auspices of USA Rugby and is operated exclusively to promote and foster the growth of Rugby Union Football and to educate the public and players in the game of Rugby Union Football as played under the Laws of the International Rugby Board.

East Penn Collegiate Women

The EPRU is comprised of clubs and college women's teams in Eastern & Central Pennsylvania, Southern New Jersey and Delaware and is one of the largest Geographical Unions in the nation. The collegiate women's division is strong part of rugby in the USA.

About the Eastern Pennsylvania Rugby Union

Some of the country's most successful coaching, refereeing and medical clinics are organized and conducted by the EPRU. International coaches, U.S. national team coaches, top grade referees and some of the world's best rugby administrators have participated in these highly successful services to the rugby community. The EPRU was the first Local Area Union to hold Level I & Level II Coaching Certification programs.