Fairfield Univ | URugby Bowl Series
Liberty Rugby Conference

Fairfield Univ


Fairfield University Men's Rugby Club moved from Division II status to Division IAA. With the move, the Red Ruggers will be competing in the East Coast Rugby Conference beginning in the fall of 2015.

The DIAA competition begins this coming fall season. Matches will include the University of Connecticut, Middlebury College, and the University of Massachusetts.

Doug Ciacci '65 was inducted posthumously into the Class of 2015 Fairfield University Athletic Hall of Fame. Doug was a co-founder of the Fairfield University Rugby Football Club as an undergraduate during the Fall of 1963. He was named the team captain in his senior year, serving as the team leader and on field coach in that role.

Saturday, October 21, 2017 - 13:00

Liberty Rugby Conference
Fordham University Rugby Fordham University
VS 37 @ 17
Liberty Rugby Conference
red and white striped logo with the head of a buck Fairfield Univ